Need a way to make and track re-shipments? We have your solution! Streamline your product problem tracking with this great workflow:
1) When a customer needs a reship, now instead of placing a "Reorder" you have a new button called "Reship". When clicked it duplicates the order at no value and gives you drop down "problem type" to select before processing the reshipment.
2) When customer needs a refund process a "Credit Memo" and there will be a "problem type" drop down to select before processing the return.
3) Module gives you a report in which allows you to see the SKU's, Number of Problems, Types of Problems, etc. Complete oversight from a administration view to see which problems are causing the most problems what what type of problems.
- Adds Reship button to "Order View" with a "Reship Reason" drop down and optional "Refund Reason" drop down in Credit Memo area.
- Click Reship and "New Order" screen will populate with all previous order details filled in, but the price will be default set to custom and $0. A "Reship Reason" drop down box will also appear on this New Order screen in which you can select from drop down the Reship Reason Code.
- Reship Reason Codes are created and maintained in Config.
- Report added in: Reports > Products > Problem Tracker. View your SKU's Reason Codes, and QTY's of issues your having. Easy oversight for admin of potential packaging and inventory issues.
- When reship order completed, order number will match original order but with a post fix of -1. If 2 reships happen, post fix will be -2, etc. etc.
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