Downloadable Purchase Order Module User Manual
Finally, a way to track and manage your Purchase Orders! What does Purchase Order Management include?
- Ability to set Purchase Orders "New Order Status" to Pending or Processing.
- Ability to set "Net Terms" for any of your customers. - Ability to "Print PO Invoice" (to send to your customers so you can get paid).
- When PO orders are shipped the order status will now become: "Shipped, pending payment".
- When you receive payment go into the order and mark invoice paid. Order status will change from "Shipped, pending payment" to "Completed"
- Outstanding PO reporting, new report will show you Purchase Orders that are not yet paid.
- Full frontend functionality. Customers can view their PO Terms, PO Limit, PO Credit (DUE) via their Dashboard. They can also pay for their "Shipped, Pending Payment" order directly from their Orders > View Order screen.
- PDF Account Statement right from Accounts Receivables Report.
- Ability to automate a "Invoice Reminder" to be sent days after invoice due.
- Full compatability with Multiple Customer Email Addresses module. Gives you the ability to send notifications (Invoices or Shipment Notifications, etc.) to different customer email addresses (Example: Send Shipment Notification to their receiving department, or send PO Invoice to their AP department, etc).
Version 3.1.9 Released 6/7/2017:
- - Added ability to do partial invoicing for by sku per order.
Version 3.1.7 Released 6/7/2017:
- - Bug Fix - Was allowing customers to checkout over PO Limit in rare instances.
Version 3.1.6 Released 4/10/2017:
- - Minor maintenance to resolve any rare install problems.
Version 3.1.5 Released 11/30/2016:
- - Fixed bug in Config that didn't allow you to deselect a Group.
Version 3.1.4 Released 11/15/2016:
- Show/Hide PO Terms and Amounts in Customer Account Dashboard for Customers who is not allowed to use PO
Version 3.1.3 Released 8/23/2016:
- Added some additional compatibility with 3rd party report modules.
Version 3.1.2 Released 8/16/2016:
- Fixed issue with sending Statement from AR Report.
Version 3.1.1 Released 8/5/2016:
- Fixed issue with AR Report when start date / end date was same day.
Version 3.1.0 Released 6/7/2016:
- Added ability to mass import/export of PO Credit and PO Limit attribute.
- Bug fix when applying credit after customer changed email address from frontend.
- Fooman compatibility.
Version 3.0.14 Released 5/4/2016:
- Added Bulk Action "Process Offline Invoices" to receive offline payments for multiple orders at once.
- Fixed AR Report bug.
Version 3.0.13 Released 3/9/2016:
- Now on $0 orders you can still allow customer to pay with Purchase Orders. Once shipped, order will go to complete (instead of Shipped, Pending Payment) for $0 orders.
Version 3.0.12 Released 2/29/2016:
- Major update to Accounts Receivables (AR) Report
- Add ability to filter by Customer ID as well as existing Company Name & Date in AR Report.
- Added PDF Account Statement (must be filtered to 1 customer to make account statement) downloadable or email direct from AR Report.
- Added 2 actionable actions via AR Report: Resend Invoice Emails & Send PDF Statement.
- Ability to "Resent Invoice Emails" in bulk as well.
- Automation: Added ability via config to allow for automated invoice reminder (Config > Sales > Sales Emails > Accounts Receivables Settings).
- Added integration with "Multiple Customer Email Addresses" module that allows for "email override" for "PDF Account Statements/Invoices" from AR report to be emailed to someone other then account owner email address. In order to obtain this feature, must also purchase and install "Multiple Customer Email Addresses" module AFTER PO Module is installed.
Version 3.0.11 Released 2/12/2016:
- Backend changes to AR Report efficiency and ability to handle larger volumes of transactions in AR Report.
Version 3.0.10 Released 2/2/2016:
- Compatible with Amasty One Step Checkout.
- Compatible with Moogento ShipEasy
- Compatible with Moogento Pickpack
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 3.06 Released 12/3/2015:
- Fixed bug with AR reports in 1.9.x
Version 3.05 Released 11/25/2015:
- Added Action called: "Process Offline Invoices" in Order Grid View. This gives you ability to process numerous PO Invoices (payments) at one time.
- Full compatibility for "Process Offline Invoices" with Combine Orders module.
Version 3.04 Released 11/18/2015:
- Added optional permissions restriction for admin user access to edit NET TERMS, PO LIMIT, and PO CREDIT attributes in Customer View.
Version 3.03 Released 10/15/2015:
- Added frontend account compatibility. Customer account now shows their PO Terms, PO Limit, and PO Credit (Due) in their dashboard.
- Added ability to pay via frontend in customers account. Click "view order" and now a "Pay" option for any "Shipped, Pending Payment" PO orders
- Full compatability with Multiple Customer Email Addresses module.
Version 3.02 Released 9/30/2015:
- Added ability to edit purchase order number in "Order View" without having to edit or cancel the entire order to fix.
Version 3.01 Released 7/17/2015:
- Fixed potential API conflict with Payment Method 'purchaseorder'
Version 3.0 Released 7/10/2015:
- Ability to restrict PO method to specific customer groups
- Reduced file size of PO invoice
- Ability to email PO Invoice Overdue/Reminder in AR reports (uses new "transaction email" that is editable)
- Fixed bug with PO Limit input field when using special characters in field
Version 2.9.2 Released 5/18/2015:
- Fixed minor bug in which caused issues for some viewing orders with PO Payment Method.
Version 2.9.1 Released 5/13/2015:
- Fixed minor bug in regards PO Invoice attachments to transactions emails.
Version 2.9 Released 10/11/2014:
- Fixed Default Net Terms Bug When Printing Invoice.
Version 2.8 Released 9/5/2014:
- Bug fix showing net terms sometimes incorrectly in Order Grid View
Version 2.7 Released 7/31/2014:
- Bug fix caused by orders with Configurable Products.
Version 2.6 Released 7/3/2014:
- 1.9.x compatibility.
- Small bug fixes.
Version 2.5 Released 2/25/2014:
- Add custom header to top of PO Invoice.
- Add custom memo to bottom of PO Invoice.
- Small bug fixes.
Version 2.4 Released 1/21/2014:
- Added functionality to attach PO Invoice to Order Confirmation Email.
Version 2.3 Released 12/17/2013:
- Added functionality to set a "Default Net Terms" in config.
Version 2.2 Released 5/27/2013 (major update):
- Compatible with Shipworks 3 by Interapptive.
- Guest can no longer checkout if PO enabled and Default PO Limit is not filled in or lower then guests order.
- Will remove payment method Purchase Order from frontend if customer/guest not eligible.
Version 2.1 Released 11/18/2011:
- Compatible with Amasty_Customerattr 3rd party extension.
Version 2.0 Released, update includes:
- Includes custom Remit To Address in config, allow you to set remit to address specific for each store.
- Adds custom graphic "PAID" to invoices when paid. Can use your own image via Config.
Adds PO Number column in order grid view.
- PO LIMIT: Set default PO Limits for all customers and/or manually set PO Limits for individual customers
- Included PO Credit in Account Information: Allows Admin to view the total PO Credit amount that is owed by a specific customer. If customer only pays partial amount, you can reduce the PO Credit by this amount.
- Blocks customers from purchasing if over PO LIMIT: Customers won't be able to order via Purchase Order option if their order has surpassed their PO Limit.
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